Ok, the title seems a bit morbid, but we’re going in the opposite direction here. The + side of the battery, if you will.

When evaluating the “life importance” of an activity, ask yourself, “If I was on my deathbed, would I wish I had done more of it?”

This will allow you to truly prioritize everything in life, and put things into perspective.

Think about how ludicrous it would be for someone to say “I wish I had spent more time at work” on their deathbed. Or “I wish I did a little more binge drinking.”

“At least three times every day take a moment and ask yourself what is really important. Have the wisdom and courage to build your life around your answer.” -Lee Jampolsky

Here are the things that are the most important to me: (in no particular order)

  • Personal growth/improvement
  • Spiritual growth
  • Health
  • Fitness/Exercising
  • Family
  • Good friends
  • Connecting with people
  • Love in various forms (family, friends, intimate relationships)
  • Helping people
  • Life experiences
  • Acquiring skills
  • Gaining knowledge and wisdom (reading, learning, applying)
  • Having fun
  • Laughing
  • Creating memories
  • Having ways to express myself
  • Leaving a legacy
  • Travel/Exploring new places

These are my priorities. The things I need to spend time and energy on if I want to continue to be happy, achieve my goals, and live without regrets. Notice how there are no material things here. And even though some of these might cost money (travel), the vast majority are absolutely free. What does that tell you? We don’t really need all the stuff that we think we need. And it ties back to my possessions vs experiences post.

What’s really important to you? Ask yourself that. It could take you from simply existing, to truly living, with no regrets.