I had a crazy weekend. The good kind of crazy, of course. The “out in NYC until the wee morning hours 2 days in a row” kind.

But it’s not a wild Friday or Saturday night that I’m here to talk about…

I woke up yesterday (Sunday) morning and immediately started cleaning. And I realized that I usually find myself doing this after a night out. Why? Because it helps me regain focus. When my apartment is decluttered, my mind naturally declutters as well. So I straightened out my physical environment, and my focus returned as I went about doing this.

Reducing the physical clutter around me took me from dazed and confused, to feelin good, feelin great. It helped me overcome that inertia (the hardest part is to actually get yourself moving in the right direction) and set a positive momentum for the rest of the day.

A cluttered living space = A cluttered mind

A cluttered living space = A cluttered mind

The inner environment is a reflection of the outer environment; and vice versa.

Everything is interconnected. Everything influences everything else.

If you feel like you lack focus and are overwhelmed, remove the clutter. It’s a form of simplification, making everything easier. It produces clarity.

If you can’t focus at work, try organizing your desk. If you lack focus at home, organize or clean your home. Throw things out, get rid of the unnecessary. It’ll make you feel lighter, and less weighed down mentally. Even a small act of productivity can create a cascading effect.

“No snowflake in an avalanche ever feels responsible.”-Voltaire

Create an avalanche of awesomeness.

And you don’t have to be a neat freak. You just need to be organized enough to curb the chaos and reduce all the mental noise.

*Metaphor alert*

Life is a puzzle. When you organize the pieces, you gain more clarity. If the puzzle pieces are scattered, you can’t see the big picture. Think about how overwhelming a pile of scattered puzzle pieces looks.

Sometimes it takes putting a just few pieces in place to start seeing the big picture more clearly.

Have fun with your puzzle. See the big picture.