I just got back from a nice lil vacation in Cabo, Mexico. It was awesome, and I’m incredibly grateful for the experience.

Lovin it

Every minute was amazing, but one moment in particular stands out to me.

A moment in which my existence was that of pure action. Of complete and utter presence.

I was walking along a rocky part of the beach where the waves were strong. Just minding my own business and admiring the scenery. Then suddenly, my brother (screaming my name) pierced my eardrums like a fire alarm. “STEPHEN! STEPHEN!!!” He left the bag of snorkel gear we rented on a rock too close to the water. I jerked my vision towards the bag and saw a powerful wave swallow it, pulling it out to sea. After hearing my brother and seeing the bag, my thoughts ceased to exist. I got completely in the zone. And I took action. Without even the slightest bit of hesitation, I bounded across a few rocks and leapt into the water. As soon as I grabbed the bag, a wave completely engulfed me. It threw me against the rocks, spinning me like a rag doll and flipping my sandals off. But I clung to the bag. After the wave returned to sea, there I was. Standing there unharmed (yeah, the wave literally stood me up) with all the stuff. Snorkel gear, sandals, and all. Then my thoughts returned.

What an amazing state of existence that was. One that I’ve only glimpsed a small handful of times in my life.

No thinking. Just doing. Just being. Existing in pure action. I temporarily transcended the circle of incessant thought that relentlessly persists throughout the course of our lives.

That’s the goal of meditation too. A state of no-thought.

Being in pure action is truly living.

And we encounter these awe-inspiring flashes in some other situations as well:

  • Being “in the zone” while playing sports.
  • Being “in the zone” while working out.
  • Being immersed in any sort of artistry. (Making music, painting, writing…etc)
  • Deep meditation.
  • Life threatening situations. You don’t think when you save someone’s life (or your own), you just do.

How to exist in pure action more often:

Break free of incessant thought. Be aware of your thoughts. Recognize when your mind is running in circles and learn how to chill out. Learn to be the master of your mind, not a slave to it. Different strategies work for different people in attaining this.

Get used to taking action. Don’t procrastinate. Walk the walk. Live an action-based life, not a passive one. It makes life wayyy more interesting.
This calls for a couple quotes:
“Action expresses priorities.” -Gandhi“Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do.” -Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Do those 2 things and situations will inevitably present themselves. And when they do, believe me, you’ll know how to handle it…

Stay feelin’ good, feelin’ great my friends.

-Stevie P!