We all get signs…

Subtle hints from the universe, pointing us towards certain directions in life.

It’s mysterious and unexplainable stuff, yet something we all experience. That’s what makes it so intriguing. A lot of times signs aren’t things we can necessarily prove, but phenomena which we all unequivocally experience.

All of us experience signs, but paying attention to them increases the quantity as well as the clarity of the messages conveyed. Becoming consciously aware of signs we experience allows us to more readily act on these seemingly cryptic cosmic clues.

When we tap into our intuition and follow the signs, life becomes magical and everything seems to just fall into place. Living becomes more exciting. More invigorating. More joyful… Like a game to be played.

Signs guide us on our life journey, just as street signs guide us to our destination while driving.

Signs come in any and every shape or form. That’s what can make them so elusive. It’s not like an alarm on your phone. Signs are far more unpredictable and subtle than that.

Here’s some common types of signs, from my experience.
*Note: Don’t limit it to these though, because they can literally come in any form.
Significant dates
Constant repetition of certain words or phrases
Different people asking you about the same thing
Deja vus
Common themes in dreams
An unexplainable attraction to something
Any strange/anomalous occurrences

There’s gotta be more that I’m not thinking of right now. Just keep an eye out, like “aye aye captain.”

When we ignore signs, or go against them, is when problems arise. A lot of “problems” are merely signs that we’re going against what our heart is pointing to. Signs that we’re resisting the flow of life.

Know that there is no 100% definitive answer for any signs either. There’s no answer sheet. No cheat sheet. We have to use our intuition and form our own conclusions as to where they point.

“In hindsight signs be glarin’ back
Where’s the map to show you where you’re at?
I can hear the crowd yellin
I can smell the tire smoke
I can hear the starter pistol
Where’s the track?”
Jay Electronica

Here’s how to follow the signs:

1. Set the intent. Once intent is established, the puzzle pieces start coming together. Create a desire that you truly believe you will attain, and it will inevitably manifest. The most effective way of doing this is to write a list of desires and keep it somewhere you see every day. (I have a list of my desires set as the background of my phone.)

2. Be aware and open. Signs can pop up in any way imaginable. Be aware and open to all possibility. You might see signs pointing you to a new job, a new place, a skill to acquire…etc. So stay on the lookout, mate.

3. Be grateful. There’s something magical about gratitude. When you’re grateful for what you have, you seem to attract more. I’ve experienced this firsthand. When I’m grateful, I attract more positive things in my life. Gratitude creates abundance. Gratitude is an open door, allowing things to easily flow in and out of your life. (The beneficial flows in, while the detrimental flows out, of course.)

4. Get some time for yourself. You don’t necessarily even have to meditate. Just consistently get some time to yourself, free of distractions. Whatever clears your mind and leaves you in a deep stillness. Because this is where you really tap into the magic of intuition, inspiration, and higher awareness. A little productive solitude sets the scene for intuitive living.

5. Write things down. ***If you don’t do anything else, do this*** 
Writing things down allows you to log and objectively evaluate signs you receive. This also makes you more aware, increases the amount of signs that pop up, and allows you to more effectively interpret their meanings. Writing things down brings them to fruition.

6. Develop heart consciousness. Follow your intuition. Let your heart guide you; not the mind or ego. The mind (and the ego too) makes a beautiful servant, but a terrible master. Learn to use the mind as a tool, without being a slave to it. Access your intuitive abilities. Tap into your inherent higher awareness. Let your heart lead the way. And you’ll experience a profound knowing. There’s a deep knowing experienced when you’re guided by your heart. Not believing, but KNOWING. Take heed to THAT feeling.

Check out these resources on the fascinating topic of heart consciousness:
Developing Heart Consciousness

7. Remember to take action. Nothing comes to you if you just sit there waiting for opportunity to knock. You must do the knocking. There’s opportunity behind every door. Pay attention to the signs and get to knockin. Knowledge is useless without action.

Intuitively following the signs.

Although it works in mysterious ways (well from a mind-based perspective at least), the heart always leads us in the right direction. You may not even initially realize this, because the heart is always many steps ahead of the analytical brain. The heart sees the bigger picture.

“You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.” – Martin Luther King, Jr.

The mind, however, can be deceptive. The mind can justify anything. It can make up excuses for anything. It can talk us in, or out, of any situation. Plus, there’s dozens of cognitive biases that greatly distort our perception of reality. This is why it’s so important to let the heart guide, while allowing the mind to follow. Just don’t forget to use it when you need to.

Follow your heart but take your brain

A note on ego. (A major roadblock when following the signs.)

The ego is a product of the mind, and it sustains itself through fear. The ego fears not being accepted, so it wants to look cool. The ego fears scarcity, so it is selfish. The ego fears getting hurt, so it protects itself. The ego fears the unknown, so instead of taking leaps of faith, it makes up excuses. Like anything else, the ego can have its uses (expressing individuality, facing life or death situations…etc). But it gets real ugly when ego runs the show. The heart is love. The ego is fear. The heart doesn’t give a fuck about anything (besides unconditional love). The ego gives too many fucks, and constantly seeks validation. Pay attention to the signs, follow your heart, and experience the magic of existence.

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A sign I got to help me pay attention to the signs

An example of following the signs.

The most obvious example of signs is regarding relationships. So here’s a scenario: A man meets an attractive woman.

Sign #1 He HAD to talk to her as soon as he saw her. There was no question in his mind. He strongly needed to establish some sort of connection. So strongly that it overwhelmed any excuses his monkey brain could muster.

Sign #2 They met on the summer solstice, which has tons of spiritual significance. And it’s also a time to plant seeds, in every sense of the word.

Sign #3 A lot of synchronicity between the two of them. A lot of small, but meaningful “coincidences.” Like texting each other at the exact same time.

Sign #4 He set the intent just a few days before their meeting. He wrote a list of his desires and one of them was “a beautiful woman as a girlfriend.”

Yup, those are some signs alright. Signs indicating that that woman was meant to be in his life for some reason. Signs for her being significant to his life experience in some way. But the fun part is figuring out exactly what the signs mean as you go. In what kind of way is this meeting significant? That can only be revealed through taking action and seeing what happens.

We all need to pay more attention to the signs we get. It builds awareness, hones intuition, and makes life a magical adventure.

Follow your heart, and dive into the human experience.

Stay feelin’ good, feelin’ great.

-Stevie P!

^Thanks to my brother Tommy P for reminding me of that song.