
Freedom is a tricky term. It’s a word that has been dragged through the muddy waters of assorted interpretations and biases for some time now. I could write a book philosophizing about what freedom is and what it entails…

But instead, I’ll share a simple definition that I found fairly accurate and useful: Freedom – Exemption from external control, interference, regulation, etc. (

With that being said, we won’t find absolute freedom (in this reality, at least). Limitation is just a part of the game here on Earth.

But that doesn’t mean that we can’t have more relative freedom than what we’re experiencing now. Perfection is unattainable but we strive for continuous improvement. That’s what we do as humans. That’s what life is all about.

Some of us are finding that we deeply feel fulfilled by more freedom. Not more money (although this could be a means to more freedom), not a bigger house, not a comfortable, safe job…etc.

Those things may make some people happy, but this post is for the free spirits, those of you who yearn for freedom from the depths of your being. Those of you who recognize that something feels absent when you politely nod your head and swallow orders; knowing that deep down, your heart doesn’t agree.

Tame birds sing about freedom. Wild birds fly.

12 Signs That You Need More Freedom

1. You don’t like being told where and when to be somewhere – Instead of feeling like you have to be somewhere (think work), you prefer to determine where you want to be. You live by your own instincts, which usually don’t coincide with rigid, predetermined group models of time and location.

2. You value your time – You thrive off of prioritizing your time and doing things that are in your best interest. You enjoy being able to choose who you spend time around. Having to participate in time-consuming activities that are disharmonious with your goals makes you uneasy to say the least.

3. You prefer to create your own schedule – You’re independent and self-sufficient. You’re in tune with your natural rhythms. You know when you’re most productive and how to leverage your own unique “body clock.”

4. You trust yourself – You have faith in yourself to make the right decisions. You have confidence in your own inner judgment and intuition. You don’t need someone else dictating what you can and cannot do.

5. You think for yourself – You’re an individual who celebrates a unique world view. You have trouble aligning all of your thoughts, beliefs and actions with a one-size-fits-all group structure.

6. You’re self-motivated – You don’t need people to tell you what to do. You’re driven and productive by your own accord.

7. You’re spontaneous – You live in the moment and by your own intuitive guidance. You don’t like planning every minute of your life. You would rather go with the flow of the moment. The idea having to get approval for vacation time months in advance is ludicrous to you.

8. You cringe at being inauthentic – You just don’t feel right when you compromise who you are. You can’t feign enthusiasm. You struggle to put on a fake smile. You don’t want to make borderline (or blatantly) unethical decisions based on orders from others.

9. You question authority – You don’t accept anything at face value. You don’t blindly take orders out of fear, you would rather act on things you truly believe in. You question everything, even the fundamental beliefs that society is based upon. A passionately curious mind cannot be relegated to a state of confinement.

10. You don’t take yourself too seriously – You have a sense of humor. You laugh deeply and genuinely when something is funny. You’re not overly serious. Being “professional” and politically correct feels like you’re suppressing your inner child. You often ask questions like “Why does everyone have to be so serious all of the time?”

11. You’re highly creative – People who are highly creative have trouble staying inside of the box. Artistic freedom is paramount. So if you’re a creative person working in a job that doesn’t allow you to express your inherent creativity, you will constantly feel stifled and unfulfilled.

12. You have no desire to control other people or be controlled – Live and let live, this is the crux of freedom.

And you don’t have to be a single twenty something to attain more freedom (although that does help). You can make all of it work if you’re married with kids as well.

This idea of freedom will look differently for everyone (and is intimately connected with work and money in today’s society). For some people, they might be happy with a traditional, corporate office job. For others it might be working for a more innovative and flexible company, or manual labor, or some form of freelance work or entrepreneurship. For others it might even be checking out of society entirely and living off the grid. It’s all unique to each individual. Find out what more freedom would look like for you.

I personally fall somewhere around the freelance/entrepreneurial part of the spectrum, which is why I’m writing this post. It’s become glaringly obvious to me that the traditional, corporate office structure is absolutely antithetical to my intrinsic nature. I’m actively taking steps in the direction of more freedom (more on that soon) and I already feel as though a weight is being lifted off my shoulders.

Remember, we came here to be free.

Much love.

– Stevie P!
