meditation benefits

Did you take your medication meditation today?

Meditation is THE MOST important practice you can have, by a long shot.

The benefits of meditation are mindblowing (I listed some of them in the Introduction to Meditation).

Today, however, I want to share with you some of the more surprising benefits of meditation.

Since meditation is the foundation of everything else, you will notice dramatic improvements in all aspects of your life when you engage in a consistent meditation practice.

Some of these benefits will be completely unexpected, which is why I wanted to write this. Meditation really is the great enhancer of all aspects of life – both directly and indirectly.

Let’s dive right into them…

7 Surprising Benefits of Meditation

1. Confidence

Any inner work helps to cultivate GENUINE confidence. Meditation is one of the best ways of doing this.

If you can face your internal fears, anxieties and looping thought patterns, the external world becomes much easier to navigate. A powerful, authentic confidence naturally emanates from someone who has mastered themselves.

Through regular meditation, nervousness fades away and you become adept at working through fears of all kinds. Underneath all of it is love, and genuine confidence is a byproduct of self-love.

2. Conversational Skills

Building confidence naturally leads to better conversational skills. But that’s not all.

Through meditation, you also become more present in conversations. This means that you’ll be a better listener as well.

Meditation helps you get out of your head and fully into the present moment experience. And we all know how powerful conversations can be when we’re fully present and in that timeless flow state.

3. Resilience

Meditation results in physical, mental and emotional resilience. It creates a space of awareness between yourself and any type of pain.

“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.” – Viktor E. Frankl

Meditation creates a subtle, yet powerful strength of character. You’re able to act in spite of fears and also let go of any fears you have.

4. Being More Human

When you practice meditation, you become more and more mindful, more and more in the moment, and more and more human. You gain heightened awareness of your body, mind, senses and the world around you.

It’s the difference between truly experiencing a sunset as opposed to just looking and taking a picture, or truly tasting food instead of mindlessly chomping down while watching tv.

Meditation allows you to more fully immerse yourself in the human experience.

5. Sex

Yes, meditation helps with sex too.

Being completely in the moment, confident and moving intuitively is the perfect recipe for great sex. You’ll experience connection like never before.

If two people already have a meditation practice, then sex itself also becomes a beautiful, mutual moving meditation.

6. Patience

“Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished.” – Lao Tzu

When you engage in a regular meditation practice, you become hyper-aware of when you’re stressed, rushed or feeling impatient.

From this awareness, you give yourself the choice to slow down and ground yourself in the present moment. Most people are rushing to go nowhere fast. A meditator is in no rush, yet gets more done.

Any “waiting” can become meditation, instead of neurotically focusing on the future. Travel becomes meditation, instead of driving yourself crazy by wishing you were at your destination already. Eating becomes a meditation, instead of always thinking about the next meal.

Through meditation, you’re able to smell the roses while actually being more effective; which leads to the next benefit…

7. Productivity

Meditation cultivates an unparalleled ability to focus.

On top of that, meditation…

  • Increases mental strength
  • Increases memory retention and recall
  • Enhances cognition skills and creative thinking
  • Enhances decision making and problem solving
  • Improves information processing
  • Improves visuospatial processing
  • Increases the ability to keep focus in spite of distractions

The combination of brain-boosting benefits and peace of mind make meditation the ultimate tool for stress-free productivity. And with increased mindfulness, you’ll learn how to prioritize what’s really important, instead of frittering away your time just for the sake of being busy.

The Easiest Way to Meditate Every Day

Meditation doesn’t have to be difficult or overwhelming. You don’t have to meditate for hours a day to start seeing the benefits of meditation in your life.

There’s a ridiculously EASY way to meditate every day.

It’s literally easier than getting out of bed in the morning.

Everybody knows that meditation is beneficial. But very few people actually meditate regularly. What’s up with that?

There are two reasons for this:
1. It’s hard to find an easily implementable system
2. Most people feel like they’re doing it wrong

The idea of meditation can be intimidating for some people. But it doesn’t have to be. There’s no need to sit in the Himalayas or be some crystal-wielding guru. There’s no need to dedicate hours per day or wear silly clothes. Meditation is for everyone, everywhere.

Want to learn how to meditate every morning? (and do it effortlessly, without it seeming like another thing on your to-do list)

Start with the Introduction to Meditation article.

It’s way simpler than you think to reap the massive benefits of meditation.

Much love.

– Stephen Parato