
One of the most tragic things in this world is wasted potential.

And sadly, we all fall into this trap of not reaching our potential.

A few days ago, I had a profound realization…

I never achieved my highest potential in ANYTHING – EVER – until releasing my novel Sozwik a couple weeks ago.

Seriously. It was the most bittersweet realization I’ve ever had. And it shook me to my core.

Each and every aspect of my life had been squandered potential… Until I got clear on my purpose.

This unfulfilled potential was the story of my life. It happened with basketball, school, self-confidence, career success, relationships…etc.

I can identify a single point in my life that shifted me… When I started this website. That was the moment I BEGAN tapping into my potential.

And now, 5 years later, Sozwik is the culmination of this.

This novel represents the absolute best of my abilities in so many areas: Writing, vocabulary, philosophy, metaphysics, imagination, psychology, self-reflection, self-expression, creativity and more.

Then there’s everything it took to actually create it: Discipline, consistency, purpose and an unshakable trust in the process.

And in creating something that truly maxed out my potential, I was able to increase my potential. Now my threshold is greater, and will continue to grow.

But there’s another layer to this…

The Hidden Truth About Reaching Your Potential


When I realized that writing Sozwik was the only time in my life where I maxed out my potential, another a-ha moment came with it…

Maxing out your potential means you’re living your truth.

When you’re tapping into your potential, you’re fulfilling your purpose. Everything within you is in alignment. And nothing is holding you back.

If you’re in full alignment, reaching your potential is inevitable.

This goes back to purpose. Getting clear on your purpose is so important, that’s why I offer “20 Questions To Reveal Your Life Purpose” as a free ebook).

When you’re clear on your purpose, you’re in alignment. You’re in harmony. You’re living your truth and you have a definitive reason for being alive.

If you’re apathetic about being alive, how the fuck can you truly reach your potential? You would have a hard time being happy and helping others (i.e. most people). And that’s sad.

So… Why are you here? What’s your purpose?

It doesn’t have to be anything crazy. It can be simple. And it doesn’t need to be too specific either. It just needs to be a guiding principle (or set of principles) that you use to set goals and create daily habits.

Here’s what I wrote down a few days ago regarding my purpose:

  • Help people look at life from a more empowering perspective.
  • Spread love (also bringing out our inner child to play).
  • Metabolize experience.
  • Creatively expressing this through language and any other means that come through me.

What I wrote isn’t unattainable or overly complicated. Yet those simple bullet points act as a guiding force for my life. That’s what’s important.

If you don’t have a guiding force, you’re going to drown in the lukewarm pit of apathy. You’re going to flounder and be a victim of habit, circumstance and everyone else’s agenda.

If you’re not empowered enough to get clear on your purpose, guess what? You’re going to be a part of building someone else’s purpose. And there are many large systems that don’t have the best interest of humanity (or the planet) in mind and are happy to have you as a passive cog in the machine.

Get clear on your purpose.

Don’t know where to start? Answer the 20 Questions To Reveal Your Life Purpose. That will give you a really good idea.

Use your purpose as a guiding force for your life. No need to be rigid with it either. Allow your purpose to evolve as you do. And allow some room for the mystery of life to spontaneously unfold.

Make every moment count. Enjoy the ever-fleeting present moment.

Live your best life ever.

Much love.

– Stevie P!