
“The root of all suffering is attachment.” – Buddha

Attachment is based in fear.

Think about it. You’re attached to your lover because you’re afraid they’ll leave. You’re attached to your job because you’re afraid of not making money. You’re attached to your identity because your ego is afraid to just BE. You’re attached to an idea because you’re afraid of being wrong or not knowing. You’re attached to everything you have because you’re afraid of what’s outside of your comfort zone. Can you see the trend?

So in many ways, attachment is “giving too many fucks.”

Now you might be saying, “Hold on! Are you telling me I shouldn’t care about anything?”

Nope. All I’m saying is to release attachments.

You can still love someone without being attached to them. In fact, true love has nothing to do with attachment. It is unconditional and freeing.

You can still do incredible work without being attached to it. I’m doing that while writing this. You can still make a positive impact on the world without being attached to the results. In fact, nonattachment increases the quality of everything you do.

The art of not giving a fuck is all about transcending fear and attachment. When you clear all of the bullshit you’ve accumulated throughout life, what are you left with? Peace, love, happiness and bliss.

And that’s what we’re all chasing – some combination of those feelings – right?

This was an excerpt from my book Essentialism and the Art of Not Giving a Fuck

Now… A Challenge to You

What are you attached to?

What ideas, beliefs, habits, addictions or patterns are you clinging to?

And here’s the key question: Which of those attachments do not benefit you?

Be honest with yourself.

Maybe it’s social media, your phone, sugar, coffee, alcohol, pornography, cigarettes, anger, complaining, watching the news, attention-seeking, victimhood…etc. Attachment comes in many forms.

Just saying “I can stop whenever I want,” is the telltale sign of self-deception.

Challenge yourself to drop all attachments for a short period of time. A week is great. But even a day would help.

Doing an attachment fast creates a pattern interrupt. It stops the momentum of any habit in its tracks and gives you much needed perspective.

From there you have the power of choice, instead of being a slave to your attachments.

Releasing attachments results in freedom. And only then can you be in a place of unconditional love.

Much love.

– Stevie P!

PS – For more on attachment, fear and letting go of things that don’t serve you, check out my book Essentialism and the Art of Not Giving a Fuck.

1 Comment

Maria Smith · October 14, 2017 at 3:57 pm

Thank you for the article.

Great blog that I enjoyed reading.

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