
Self-Healing With Your Own Voice?

This concept is new to me…

I was always really self-conscious about my voice, especially with singing. I never sang because of this.

Little did I know, I was robbing myself of one of the greatest therapies available… My own voice!

You don’t have to be a good singer. You don’t have to perform for anyone. All you have to do is allow the sound of your voice to vibrate through your body. You can even start with humming. That’s what I do.

Just get that vibration going. And feel it in your body. You’ll notice certain tones are felt in certain areas of the body. Try humming/singing as low-pitched and as high-pitched as you can. Play around with it.

If you use the vibration of your voice for even a few seconds, you can clear energy blocks effortlessly. It’s one of the most effective forms of sound healing there is.

How do you know it clears energy? Sing your heart out for a few minutes and then get back to me! The shift it creates in your state of being is so obvious anyone can feel it.

Our voice is a healing gift we’ve all been sitting on, yet so few of us use.

So here’s my invitation to you: USE YOUR VOICE. Sing or hum, and FEEL the shifts it creates.

Love & Blessings.
~ Stephen Parato

PS – Here’s a video of me embodying this 🙂