What do we really have control of?

If you think about it, this can be summarized in just two words… OUR SELVES.

Our self (mind/body/spirit) is the only thing completely within the realm of our control. We can’t control other people. We can’t control the weather. We can’t control the Earth’s orbit. Most things are out of our control. But our minds and bodies are fully within our sphere of influence. And with recent findings regarding the science of epigenetics, we have more control than previously thought. Read about epigenetics HERE and HERE. It’s empowering stuff.

Many people worry about things they can’t control, while neglecting the only things they really can control. This is ass-backwards if you ask me.

You know the ol’ serenity prayer? “Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference.” That’s the ticket right there.

We have control over our minds and bodies, so why not optimize them? And, well, really they’re one in the same. Our body is an extension of our mind, and our mind is an extension of our body.

So why wouldn’t you work on the only thing within your control? Seems like a no-brainer to me.


It’s called a chiseled physique for a reason.

“While control may be impossible to maintain in all situations, there is one place that you will always be the master: the temple of your body.” -John Romaniello

Developing the physical body is crafting your own unique carapace around your consciousness.

It’s laying out the architecture, performing the construction work, and fine-tuning the interior design of the temple that houses the spirit.

Body is the temple

Improving your physicality creates a sanctuary of empowerment in a world filled with fear, anxiety, and uncertainty. This empowerment makes you well-equipped to handle whatever life throws at you. (or whatever you throw at life) <—seewhatididthere?

The phenomenon of bodybuilding is a direct result of this. It is taking full and complete responsibility for yourself. Every sliver of progress made is yours. Pushing the boundaries of physical potential makes bodybuilding fascinating. Building the body fulfills a deep, primal yearning in a society that has dulled our instincts. It’s complete mastery of the material self. It’s the ultimate form of empowerment in our tangible reality.

This is also the reason why physical improvement is the most popular form of self transformation these days. Countless people have changed their lives by changing their body. Enhancing your own unique physicality is improving the only thing you really have control over. It is ultimately taking your power back, and that’s why so many people are working on improving their bodies. It puts you in the driver’s seat of life.

The body is your vehicle for your road trip in this reality. So you should make sure it’s running optimally. And since you’re living in it (for now), you want it to be awesome right? An optimized vehicle is, of course, more conducive to an optimized trip. Just don’t turn it into an ego-trip 😉

Our bodies are the physical manifestation of our beings. So physique building is sculpting the physical aspect of yourself. We live in a 3-dimensional reality, so optimizing the 3-dimensional part of yourself should be a fundamental rite of passage. If we existed in a reality where we could “see” thoughts, we would sculpt our thoughts to “look” awesome. (The only way we can do that now is to express thoughts through the mediums of language or art.)

And speaking of art, our bodies are truly a work of art. A complex, beautiful system with endless subtleties. Each is unique. Each is personalized. It’s an artistic masterpiece that is 100% yours.

The beauty of imperfections:

Perfection doesn’t exist. The perfect body doesn’t exist. But this allows for two hidden benefits:
1. Continuous improvement. No matter what, you can always improve. There is always room to grow. Life is perpetual growth. And really, who likes to be stagnant?
2. Uniqueness. If everyone was “perfect” then we would all be the same. Imperfection results in infinite variety. It makes being an individual possible.

***Pokemon metaphor alert***

Improving yourself is like a Pokemon leveling up. As you level up, you increase your HP (Hit Points aka how much damage you can take). You learn new attacks. You accumulate new abilities and increase your overall strength. Maybe you were born an Onix, and you think you got the short end of the genetic stick. But really, there is no short end of the stick. Any Pokemon at level 80 is exponentially stronger than the “best” Pokemon at level 20. Remember that, and work on becoming the strongest version of yourself.

The Rock Onix

Congratulations, your Dwayne Johnson evolved into Onix!

Learn to let go of what you can’t change. And instead, focus energy on the things you can change. Maximize yourself, and you will be empowered. This will positively impact every aspect of life, and inspire others to empower themselves as well.

Think of your physical self as your video game character. And your higher self/spirit/soul is the one playing the video game. Level up while you’re here, and enjoy the experience!


And another great metaphor for good measure

Stay feelin’ good, feelin’ great my friends.

-Stevie P!