
Here’s a harsh truth…

Since I graduated from college in 2010, most of my learning has actually been un-learning.

I’ve been deprogramming myself from the limitations I inherited from the school system and societal norms in general.

One major paradigm shift has been developing an entrepreneurial mindset.

You see, every major system conditions us to be passive observers, instead of the empowered individuals we truly are. We’re taught to follow orders, instead of think for ourselves. We’re taught to play it safe, instead of embodying the adventurous spirit we came into this world with.

Big, slow-changing systems need people in this state to even exist. It’s not good or bad, but it’s outdated and hindering our evolution. In these times of rapid change, you need an entrepreneurial mindset if you want to thrive.

What I’m about to discuss with you are 4 qualities of entrepreneurs that, when embodied, will completely change your life.

These are simple personal qualities that anyone can develop to develop an entrepreneurial mindset and become the best version of themselves in today’s world.

You don’t have to be the CEO of a big company. You don’t even have to own your own company. The entrepreneurial mindset can help everyone. Parents need an entrepreneurial mindset, artists need an entrepreneurial mindset, even employees provide more value when they bring an entrepreneurial mindset to their work (this is called “intrapreneurship”).

No matter who you are, embodying these qualities will help you live your best life.

4 Qualities Of Entrepreneurs


1. A Clear Mission

One key quality of entrepreneurs is having a clear mission.

Entrepreneurs know exactly what they want and why they want it. They have a clear purpose. Yet if you ask the average person what they’re life’s mission is, the vast majority of people would say, “I don’t know.”

Without a clear purpose, we lose our passion for life. A big dream, combined with a strong reason for accomplishing that dream, helps us live with passion and vitality. It gives us something to get out of bed every morning for.

So get clear… What do you want to do with your life? And why?

What kind of impact do you want to make? And what’s your deepest reason for doing it? If you get in touch with this, you’re going to be a big catalyst for positive change in the world.

2. Accountability

Let’s be honest here. We’ve been conditioned to externalize our power in every aspect of life. That’s just how any big system exists; by the majority of people giving their power away to “authority” figures.

That’s not going to work moving forward. In times of rapid change, top heavy power structures adapt too slowly to be effective. The paradigm for the future is decentralization and everyone being their own leader.

This means that, to thrive in the future, you need to be accountable to yourself. You can no longer give your power away to authority figures. You need to step up and be the authority.

You need to be self-motivated. If you’re waiting on other people to tell you what to do, you’re going to be lost.

Get clear on your mission, think for yourself, and take the leadership role for your own life.

3. An Evolved View Of Failure

In school, we were taught that mistakes are bad. If you make too many mistakes, you fail. This results in an insidious “play it safe” mentality.

Most people stay in their comfort zones and avoid taking risks because we’ve been conditioned to fear mistakes.

That’s not how life works though. In life, you learn and grow through experience. You learn through trial and error. Of course, we can learn from other’s experiences, but when you continuously stretch your comfort zone you evolve at an exponential rate.

Look at how kids learn to walk. They don’t learn to walk by reading a book. And they definitely make mistakes. But as they try and fail, they learn. And then they try again and make progress until they inevitable walk. That’s the epitome of an entrepreneurial mentality.

Failure is feedback. It’s not a permanent. And it’s not even bad. Everything is a learning experience. And entrepreneurs leverage every learning experience they can to grow personally and professionally.

4. Persistence

The last quality is persistence.

Entrepreneurs consistently work towards their goals until they’re accomplished. Entrepreneurs are willing to put in years of work in order to achieve something, while most people quit at the first sign of difficulty.

Again, this goes back to the mission. If you have a strong purpose that sets your soul on fire, you’re going to keep going by any means necessary.

Entrepreneurs consistently work towards their vision, and have a long-term mentality. So they persist when others give up.

If you want to become the best version of yourself, you need to be persistent. If you want to get fit, you have to consistently work out and eat healthy for months or years. If you want to write a book, you have to write consistently for months or years.

Anything worthwhile, anything that helps you evolve, requires persistence. Persistence builds character, and out of our individual evolution we naturally create an evolved world at large.

The Age Of Entrepreneurship


It doesn’t take a genius to see that most mainstream systems are outdated and laughably ineffective.

Big bureaucracies can no longer keep up with the rapid pace of change in today’s world. Their time has come to an end.

Everyone needs to learn entrepreneurial skills in order to thrive in our rapidly changing society. Regardless of who you are or what your work is, embodying more entrepreneurial qualities will help you live your best life going forward.

There is far less certainty these days. And far less job stability. This means that being adaptable, free-thinking, persistent and self-motivated are going to be incredibly important skills moving forward.

Our systems are NOT preparing people for this. Thankfully though, there’s a whole new paradigm emerging.

There is more opportunity now than ever. It’s truly the greatest time to be alive. And we can leverage all of this opportunity to co-create a better world for everyone.

That’s why I want to share a life-changing resource with you…

It’s a book called eSCAPE by my friend Anik Singal. And he’s giving it away for FREE!

Anik is giving his new book away because he wants as many people to get their hands on it as possible. And I wholeheartedly agree with how valuable it is. I helped edit the book, so I can tell you firsthand how life-changing it is. I’m applying the wisdom of eSCAPE every single day.

eSCAPE teaches people how to cultivate an entrepreneurial mindset necessary for thriving in this new emerging paradigm.

This is the foundational book on what it takes to BE an entrepreneur (whatever that may look like for you).

It all starts with your mindset and who you are. When you BECOME the person you want to be, the external successes are natural byproducts.

Grab your copy of eSCAPE for FREE here: eSCAPE by Anik Singal

Much Love.

Stevie P!