Life is a pop-quiz
A blank sheet of paper
And an open book

We’re given no warning
Though we can handle the task

We’re given no rules
Though we make our own

We’re given no grading system
Though we’re compelled to excel

We’re given no questions
Though we form our own

We’re given no answers
Though we find our own

We’re given no instruction
No do’s and don’t’s
No time limit

No restrictions
On available information
Or available sources


An impromptu, open-book quiz
With no predefined limits whatsoever

The only limitations we have
Are of our own device

The rules created
Are purely self-imposed

We can do as we like
Until we lay our writing utensil to rest
Hand in our brilliantly unique work
And sashay away
With a smirk of sophic satisfaction

Remembering why we came