
So… I recently came across this thought-provoking insight from Bashar that gave me an aha! moment…

“Analogy: You have on your planet
the occupation referred to as “piano tuners”.
When you are playing your piano instrument,
and you find the sound of the music pleasing,
and then all of a sudden you come across
what you call a sour note, “plunk… plunk… plunk… plunk”
Do you run away in panic and go and hide in the closet?
“I shall never touch my piano again!”
No. You say, “Ah, I require to tune the piano,
so that the note becomes harmonious with all the other notes.”

Each key is like unto a definition… a belief.
When you come across one that gives you the sensation of fear,
all that’s telling you is, “Hey… hey, hey, hey, hey, hey… pay attention,
you have a belief in this area of your song
that is out of alignment with the whole rest of the piano”.
Fine tune it… bring it back into harmony… don’t run away… explore it:
“Bonk, bonk, bonk, bonk, bonk… what would I have to do to tune this?
How would I have to redefine it?
How would I have to tighten this string
in order to bring it back into tune… into alignment?
Play with it… find out until finally,
“Bonk, bonk, bonk, bonk, bonk… it’s back.”

This is a fantastic analogy, in my opinion. And it reveals some secrets of the Universe as well…


1. “Bad” experiences are the best learning experiences.

Everything is a matter of perception. Are you going to use “bad” experiences as an excuse to be a victim, feel guilty, or beat yourself up? Or will you use “bad” experiences as learning experiences to fuel your personal growth and evolution? The choice is yours.

Think about it… You learn way more from “mistakes” than when everything goes perfectly. It is through the hiccups in life that we are nudged in the right direction.

With everything in life, you start from square one, and progress through trial and error in order to improve over time. That’s what being human is all about.

Going back to the piano analogy, you fine-tune your piano by discovering the disharmonious keys and correcting them. Just as no piano comes perfectly tuned to your liking, no human being is perfect. The beauty of imperfection is that it allows for uniqueness, as well as continuous growth.

Here’s a personal example of this principle in action…
One word that I never spell wrong is “committee.” Why? Because I misspelled it in my 5th grade spelling bee in front of the whole school (Seriously, who put that last “e” in there?). And because of that “mistake”, I’ve made a point to spell it correctly each and every time since. Lesson learned.

You came here to experience, learn and grow (and have fun doing it). The “bad” things that happen are really life-changing learning experiences in disguise.

2. “Bad” experiences are a sign.

So-called mistakes that you make are actually hints, guiding you in the direction of learning and development.

“Bad” things that “happen” to you can also act as tremendous learning experiences, and build a stronger character.

Everything you experience is perfect for your personal growth. Pay attention to the signs.

3. “Bad” experiences should be embraced.

Your power comes with how you react to these so-called “bad” experiences. Your growth comes from how you view them. It’s all a matter of perception.

Don’t ignore the “bad” things that happen. Don’t hide them. Don’t fear them. It’s when you cover things up or ignore them that they sabotage you. Everything you hold inside eventually manifests in some way or another. Don’t hold onto or bury the “bad” things that happen to you. Transmute them into growth and development.

Story time:
One of the “worst” (actually best, in hindsight) things that happened to me was when I was a 19 year-old college sophomore. I ended up in the hospital after drinking way too much one night. Yeah, it was really stupid, and I’m so grateful that I was able to walk out of the hospitable the next morning. So instead of marinating in guilt, shame, and self-pity because of this “stupid mistake,” I used it as a catalyst for personal growth. It was my sign that I needed to re-prioritize my life, and it became the spark for the development of my mind, body and spirit. I immediately began working out and making better food choices. I also started reading voraciously, mostly books on spirituality (notably Eckhart Tolle and Osho). I not only read them, but made a point to apply the information provided. Change came quickly. I noticed improvements in my body. I was happier. I was more positive, more confident, less stressed, and had less fears. I was in college, so I still partied. But it wasn’t my sole focus any more. My focus switched from partying (fitting in and trying to be cool), to personal growth. I used the “bad” experience of a drinking-induced hospital visit as the spark for my journey of personal growth and development. So in a weird way, it was the best thing to ever happen to me.

4. “Bad” experiences forge an unshakable character.

“That which does not kill us makes us stronger.” – Friedrich Nietzsche

Diamonds are formed through immense pressure. Swords are forged in intense heat. The same applies to humans. Great men and women are defined by how they view and act upon their “failures.” They use “failures” as fuel for success.

Build the resilience of a mighty tree. Storms will always come, but they will pass over you, and you will use the rain from those storms to sustain your tremendous growth.


I’ll leave you with a few quotes from Viktor Frankl, a man who completely embodies everything I’ve discussed in this post. He was a holocaust survivor and author of the classic book “Man’s Search for Meaning.” His horrific experiences forged a mighty and admirable spirit. Viktor transmuted his extremely difficult experiences to gain a new outlook on life, a deep sense of empowerment and the burning desire to live life to the fullest. The man is a true inspiration.

“The one thing you can’t take away from me is the way I choose to respond to what you do to me. The last of one’s freedoms is to choose one’s attitude in any given circumstance.”

“Life is never made unbearable by circumstances, but only by lack of meaning and purpose.”

“Even though conditions such as lack of sleep, insufficient food and various mental stresses may suggest that the inmates were bound to react in certain ways, in the final analysis it becomes clear that the sort of person the prisoner became was the result of an inner decision, and not the result of camp influences alone.”

“Forces beyond your control can take away everything you possess except one thing, your freedom to choose how you will respond to the situation.”

So here’s the question: Are you going to use the “bad” experiences you encounter as catalysts for growth? Or an excuse to set up residence in victimhood?

The choice is up to you.

Stay awesome.

-Stevie P!