aligned life


How aligned is your life?

Are you living in alignment with your values?

Most people would say “yes” automatically.

But here’s a simple exercise that reveals just how aligned your life is.

The Aligned Life Exercise

(Grab a pen and paper and do this right now.)

1. Write down the 5-10 things that are most important to you in life.
Examples: Relationships, family, travel, learning, exercise, a meditation practice, running my own business…etc.

2. Write down everything you actually do on an average day.
Examples: Wake up and drink coffee, commute, work tasks, going to the gym, eating dinner at home, watching TV…etc.

Make sure you do this simple exercise right now, before moving forward.

Now here’s the million dollar question: How aligned is what you’re doing every day with what’s most important to you in life?

If there’s a big discrepancy between the two lists, this is a wake up call. Start incorporating more things that are truly important to you, and letting go of the unimportant things.

If your two lists are similar, then that means you’re living in alignment with your values.

aligned life

Why Is This Important?

It should be obvious why this is important. If you’re living each day according to what you really value in life it means…

  • Each day is fulfilling
  • You’re living your truth
  • You’re truly happy
  • You’re creating the life of your dreams

If not, it means…

  • There’s some kind of disconnect between what you know and what you actually do
  • You might feel stuck
  • Your energy is being drained
  • You’re lying to yourself to some degree
  • You probably don’t trust yourself (because you’re consistently doing things you don’t really want to do)

Always remember that you have a choice.

You can design your life any way you want, starting NOW.

Start small. Add something simple that you value as important. Let go of something that doesn’t serve your highest good.

I hope this exercise shed some light for you.

One love.

– Stevie P!