Every thought is a schism of Universal Mind, creating duality. This means that thoughts either build or destroy.

Thoughts themselves are vibrational frequencies emitted from us. Consistent thought solidifies the focus of those thoughts into reality.

Thoughts also create reality in an even simpler way to innerstand… Our thoughts shape our words and our words shape our actions.

Most people’s brains generate about 50,000 thoughts per day.

Get honest with yourself.

The average person is aware of very few of their own thoughts. And the vast majority are negative/unhelpful. These are negative subconscious programs that run on auto-pilot, until you interrupt the pattern by bringing awareness to your thoughts.

  • How many of your thoughts are you even aware of? 
  • How many of your thoughts are actually helping you?

Want to become the sovereign creator of your reality?

  1. Start observing your thoughts as much as possible every day. This will help you reside more and more in Pure Awareness.
  2. Consciously choose every thought, word and action.
  3. Be consistent with this. It’s an ongoing process.

Words are spells (spelling). Cast mindfully.

Love & Blessings

~ Stephen Parato