
People say they want “things” in the physical world, yet how true is that?

If you take a deeper look, you notice that people are ultimately chasing feelings, or states of being, and the physical things are what they THINK they need to feel that way.

When someone wants a big, nice house, what they really want is comfort, safety and security.

When someone wants a fast sports car, they really want to feel exhilaration, power and maybe even confidence.

When someone wants to quit their job and travel the world, they really want freedom.

When someone wants to find their soulmate, they really want love.

Every good marketer knows this too, and speaks to these feelings. People don’t really want to start their own business, they want the freedom that they think comes with it. People don’t really want to invest in real estate, they want the security and freedom that comes with passive income.

So now that we’ve established that people are really looking for feelings and states of being, here’s a question… Are those feelings and states of being available to you now? Of course!

So what’s blocking you? Hint: You’re making conditions for yourself around these.

For example:

  • “I’ll be happy when I retire.”
  • “I’ll feel free when I start my business.”

Why can’t you be happy now? Why can’t you feel free now?

This is the trap of externalization (externalizing your power). If you create a condition that something externally needs to be a certain way for you to feel a certain way, you’re a slave to the external world.

Why not choose to feel a certain way first, and move through reality in that state? That’s being empowered.

And here’s the bonus. When you live in your ideal states of being (love, freedom, joy, serenity…etc.), your external experience begins to align with those states. Because your inner world is causal and the “outer” world is the effect; the holographic projection of your inner reality.

When you live from the inside out, you realize your true power as a sovereign co-creator.

What are your ideal states of being?

Choose them now and commit to them.

Affirm it out loud with the vibration of your voice.

Now, live FROM your ideal states of being.

I see you, divine being. I see you.

~ Stephen Parato

Categories: Spirituality