“I don’t know what to believe anymore.”

How many people feel that way now?

In this stage of our journey, we’re collectively evolving to higher levels of consciousness. In light of this, the illusions we’ve carried for millennia are falling apart.

And it goes far deeper than “the government lied to us” type stuff, or anything “out there.” The biggest illusions humanity bought into is regarding the nature of reality and the nature of Self.

Yeah, the most fundamental of humanity’s beliefs have been illusions. These illusions provided the platform for unique experience, but we’re moving on now.

This is why trying to find truths or facts in the external world is an endless maze right now. Just look into any aspect of COVID-19 and it’s a never-ending rabbit hole. It’s like chasing your shadow. Because it’s all part of the illusion, playing itself out in a grand finale until it fizzles back into Infinite Love.

It’s happening perfectly to teach us this lesson: Our inner world is primary. Our inner world holds what we have been looking for.

Where is reality experienced for you? Within your own consciousness, of course. It’s so obvious that most fail to see it.

How can you truly know yourself or reality if you’ve never investigated your inner world? Or resided in internal stillness to get a “baseline” of reality and self?

We’ve neglected our inner world through constant distraction and projection, creating a house of mirrors. This is no longer avoidable. It must be faced, loved and integrated into higher consciousness.

“Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.” – Carl Jung

The “external” world is merely a holographic projection based on our inner world. The higher/spiritual dimensions are actually inner dimensions, or states of being. It took me so long to realize this. And really, there’s no internal or external. It’s an undivided wholeness of experience.

If you’re still looking “out there”, you’re lost in a house of mirrors without even realizing it, until you learn inner-vision. I’ve played this unconscious hide and seek with myself countless times, and I’m finally able to verbalize it.

Look within. Give yourself the space to explore your inner world. It doesn’t need to be deep meditation (although that’s the most effective way). You can begin your exploration with journaling, dance, singing, exercise, any kind of art or anything else that acts as a portal to inner awareness.

In this space is ineffable truth. In this space is total freedom. In this space is Infinite Love.

Here’s a profound passage from The Tao Te Ching to meditate on…

The Master keeps her mind always at one with the Tao.
That is what gives her her radiance.

The Tao is ungraspable.
How can her mind be at one with it?
Because she doesn’t cling to ideas.

The Tao is dark and unfathomable.
How can it make her radiant?
Because she lets it.

Since before time and space were, the Tao is.
It is beyond is and is not.
How do I know this is true?

Categories: Spirituality