Rebellious Teenagers

School seems like a waste of your time, right?
Your parents don’t understand you.
They don’t get it, right?
All of the rules everywhere make you feel fucking angry, right?

So what do you do? Rebel
In any way you can.

But what if I told you…
That your rebellion is predictable.
That it’s actually a sneaky part
Of the same systems you hate.

Drop out of school and get a shitty job
You just set yourself up for a life of poverty and hardship

Turn to alcohol or drugs
You just made yourself a customer for life
And a slave to your substance of choice

Want to sell?
Have fun living in constant paranoia
About the law and everyone you interact with

Want to direct your frustrations at your parents?
You’re just making your home life worse than it already is

With all the typical ways of rebelling
Society has a net to trap you in
It’s nothing new
You think you’re rebelling
But you’re just letting “the man” come in through the back door
And control you a different way

So what is “real” rebellion?

If you don’t like something, create something better
If you have the urge to rebel, you’re smart
You see through the bullshit of the world
Lean into that unique intelligence and create/invent things

If you don’t like school, fuck it
Go learn about something you’re actually interested in on your own
Then you can start a cool business with the skills you learn

Are you angry?
Why fall into the predictable trap of violence and consequences?
Have you ever felt how good it feels to do a hard workout?
Or scream like a wild beast?
Try those.

Don’t like your parents?
Ask them questions
And see why they are the way they are
And how they think
You’ll be surprised by what you find

If you can come up with interesting questions
You have a master key to understand anyone’s mind

Don’t like society?
Come up with ideas for a better society
Then start applying the easiest idea

People say kids are the future
So start creating what you actually want
Not some bullshit you’ve been told to do

Rebel by creating something new
That’s how you dodge the trap
That’s how you avoid being a drone
That’s where your freedom is