meditation music

Meditation music is essentially any music that enhances a meditative experience.

It can come in a lot of different forms, but the common theme is complementing a meditation practice, helping to establish a meditation practice, or facilitating a meditative state.

If you’re looking for a full intro to meditation, check out my Introduction to Meditation. This post is focused on meditation music.

Honestly, there’s not too much to say about meditation music. The best thing to do here is point you to some good tunes and let you have your own experience.

Listen to meditation music with your total being. Feel your body, your emotions, your thoughts, and ultimately the loving stillness of your soul.

The Best Meditation Music

The following is a short list of meditation music that helps create beautiful meditative states. I have direct, positive experience with all of these, so I can attest to their awesomeness.

Meditative Mind

Meditative Mind is one of my favorite YouTube channels. They have all kinds of meditative music to choose from. Here’s one of my favorites.

Yellow Brick Cinema

Yellow Brick Cinema is another great YouTube channel filled with meditative music. Here’s one to start with.

Music of Light by Thaddeus

Thaddeus is a being of light channeled by Sanaya Roman. I’ve read all of her books (which she channels Orin to write) and they’re among my favorite books of all time. Thaddeus’ music is really unique and it feels like you’re in higher dimensions – because you are!)

Check out the music here:

Jewels of Silence by Ashana

This is my go-to album for savasana (when you lay down on your back in meditation after a yoga or workout session). It’s so peaceful and beautiful. The name “Jewels of Silence” describes it so well.

Here’s where to find it: Jewels of Silence by Ashana

Still by East Forest

This is a great guided meditation album. The cool thing is that East Forest also provides the instrumental tracks too, which are amazing to listen to on their own.

Check it out here: Still by East Forest

Use these as a starting point, and allow yourself to serendipitously discover more meditation music.

Re-member, listen with your whole being.

In-joy your meditation experiences.

With Infinite Love,
~ Stephen Parato