A key part of spiritual growth is being our Higher Self.

When we embody our Higher Self more often, in daily life, it’s nothing short of magical.

Our Higher Self is simply the highest aspect of self. Basically, it has one foot in individual beingness and one foot in Source/God/All-That-Is.

Knowing about your Higher Self is one thing, yet actually embodying your Higher Self is true spiritual growth.

Being Your Higher Self

Being your Higher Self is actually simpler than you may think.

What does that look like? Well, the truth is that you’re already your Higher Self when you’re..

  • Being loving
  • Seeing the divine in others
  • Being creative and in flow state
  • Using your imagination
  • Tuning into insights and inspiration
  • Working with light
  • Being pure awareness

You’ve probably experienced some of those, right?

There are actually unlimited expressions of being your Higher Self. Those are just to give you an idea.

When you’re being your Higher Self, you’re embodying the highest, most loving wisdom. You are in full alignment, a clear channel of the Most High.

How To Be Your Higher Self?

How do we live embodying our Higher Self more often?

The more you do the things listed above, the more you’ll embody your Higher Self: being loving, seeing everyone as divine, being creative, using your imagination, etc.

There are practices that help you embody your Higher Self more too:

  • Meditation
  • Visualization practice
  • Forgiveness (Example: Ho’oponopono)
  • Seeing situations from multiple perspectives
  • Mentally blessing everyone you see (I call this “Blessing Vision”)
  • Working with light – Imagining divine light and intuitively working/playing with it.

Those simple practices, implemented daily, are what create this embodiment. It’s not about chasing fancy or complicated one-off solutions. It’s all about the simple, regular practices.

As fancy as the concept “Higher Self” seems, it’s actually super-simple.

When you feel centered and balanced, you’re embodying your Higher Self. When you’re aware of your thoughts and emotions, you’re embodying your Higher Self. When you’re completely at peace, you’re embodying your Higher Self.

Here are some questions to help you do this.

How can I live as my Higher Self right now?

In other words, how would my Higher Self think, speak and act right now?

Ask yourself those questions throughout the day as a reminder to be your Higher Self. The more often you do this, the more often (and more deeply) you’ll embody your Higher Self.

I Am Presence

The awareness behind your thoughts… That’s your Higher Self as well.

Acquaint more deeply with this Pure Awareness; the I Am Presence.

In this state of awareness, you and your Higher Self align and connect as one.

Your Higher Self is the infinite reservoir just beyond your thoughts, always available to you.

Tune in and listen.

With Infinite Love,
~ Stephen Parato

PS – Check out the video I created about this as well as a guided meditation to help you connect with and embody your Higher Self.

Categories: Spirituality