What is Higher Will?

It’s a current of energy that carries everything in the direction of your Higher Self.

Think of it as like a metaphysical jet stream or ocean current that leads everything towards spiritual growth.

You can align with this Higher Will, if you choose to. Or not. It’s all free will.

Higher Will isn’t a fixed path. It’s more like a flow.

That’s why I also like to call Higher Will Higher Flow, or Divine Flow – because it feels like a flow state.

When you align and connect with Higher Will, it feels expansive, loving and gentle. There’s a flow of joy, ease, peace, clarity and similar high-vibe states.

When you’re out of alignment with Higher Will, you feel exhausted or drained. It’s when you’re forcing things and operating totally from your ego.

Things happen easily when you flow with Higher Will. Oftentimes, aligning with Higher Will manifests as a flow of synchronicities and a stream of mini-miracles in your life.

It’s a beautiful thing.

Next, let’s talk about how to flow with Higher Will more, instead of forcing and exhausting ourselves.

I’ve forced things so much of my life, and I’ve realized it doesn’t have to be that way.

How To Flow With Higher Will

The most important thing here is that it’s more about non-doing than doing.

Flowing with the Higher Will actually requires you to do less. But as you know, doing less is super-hard for the ego.

Instead of merging with the Higher Self, the ego keeps itself dominant by distracting you 24/7. This is where the forcing, exhaustion and energy drains come from.

“Meditate? Nah, let’s work more. No time to rest.”
“Listen to my intuition? Too boring. Let’s watch tv.”
“Journal? Sorry, the social media notifications give me a dopamine boost.”
“Look at my patterns? Too scary, let’s gossip.”

We all know how those ego-traps/distractions go.

What I’m getting at is this: Create more space and you’ll naturally flow with Higher Will.

This means meditation, journaling, long baths, long showers, walking outside, etc. It doesn’t have to be anything formal either. Just sitting on your porch listening to birds, or sitting on a bench in the park does the trick.

Pro Tip: With these “non-doing” activities, “do” them for longer than you’re comfortable with. That’s when you really transcend ego-patterns and reap the benefits.

Recently, I was feeling purposely and lacking clarity. So I went to the park for 2-3 hours and just sat there. I looked at the trees. I meditated a few times. I journaled some notes. Two dragonflies even visited me and landed on me – a sign of transformation, illumination and clarity.

After a couple hours, I was back in a state of joy, inner peace and clarity. And all I did was, well, not much haha.

Remember, flowing with the Higher Will is our natural state. It’s just that we get in our own way so dang much.

There are some practices that can help you flow with Higher Will as well. Here’s a general approach:

  • Before taking action, visualize and send light to the situation you’re taking action towards.
  • Pause and listen within.
  • Do what feels expansive, and with a sense of ease.
  • Follow that flow and be patient.

Those steps allow you to center and embody your Higher Self more, which puts you in that flow of Higher Will.

Integrating Higher Will

When have you experienced that flow of Higher Will?

Think of a time you experienced flowing with Higher Will. What did it feel like? What was the context?

Re-live it in your mind’s eye. Anchor, lock and seal that feeling.

This will help you get into that state more often.

With Infinite Love
~ Stephen Parato

PS – Below I embedded two videos about Higher Will. The first is an explainer video and the second is a guided meditation to help you actually connect and flow with Higher Will. In-joy!

Higher Will (Explainer Video)

Flowing With Higher Will (Guided Meditation)

Categories: Spirituality