2 people walk into a bar and stand next to you…

With the first person, you immediately get bad vibes. You get “a disturbance in the force,” as they’d say in Star Wars.

With the second person, you immediately get good vibes. You just feel at ease in their presence.

Who would you rather talk to?

It’s an obvious question. And the decision is made outside of the mind, beyond the bounds of thinking. It is a knowing, a feeling experienced on a deeper level.

People are naturally attracted to people who exude positive energy. Nobody wants to be around a Negative Nancy, or an Angry Andy, right? Operating in the paradigm of love makes you magnetic, hence the term “magnetic personality.”

I call this field of positive vibes “The Love Aura.”

And it’s a phenomenon that both myself and some friends have been experiencing, particularly with women. (Women tend to be more in tuned and intuitive, therefore picking up on a person’s “love aura” more easily.) In my recent experience, I’ve felt even random people being friendly, open, and generally attracted to me. And it’s a deep level of attraction, noticeably different than the purely physical “he’s hawwwt” type of attraction. It’s not because I look like Brad Pitt. It’s not because I’m cooler than a polar bear’s toenails. It’s simply because I’m cultivating the love aura, and people sense it (whether they’re consciously aware of it or not).

Embodying the love aura means developing what is called “heart consciousness.” (here’s where the dots start to connect)

Heart consciousness is opening up to, and using the facilities of the heart-brain. Yup, I said heart-brain. The heart is now being revealed as a sensory organ with its own nervous system, as well as a sophisticated center for processing information. (Check out the Institute of HeartMath for a wealth of information on this.) Heart consciousness is the gateway to the likes of intuition, unconditional love, extrasensory perception, and all kinds of higher awareness.

Fun facts about the ole ticker:

  • The heart is the very first organ to form in fetal development.
  • The heart sends more information to the brain than the brain does to the heart.
  • The heart’s electrical field is 60 times stronger than the brain’s.
  • The heart’s magnetic field is up to 5,000 times stronger than the brain’s, and can be detected several feet away from the body with sensitive magnetometers. (That’s that aura, baby!)
heart magnetic field

The heart’s electromagnetic field (courtesy of the Institute of HeartMath)

The crazy thing is that since I began developing heart consciousness, I’ve been directly experiencing what is displayed in the diagram above. Experiencing the field created by my heart and its harmonized interactions with others. That’s why I call it the love aura.

While writing this, I came across this awesome article. And here’s an excerpt from it that’s oh so relevant:

Heart Field Interactions Between Individuals

Most people think of social communication solely in terms of overt signals expressed through language, voice qualities, gestures, facial expressions, and body movements. However, there is now evidence that a subtle yet influential electromagnetic or “energetic” communication system operates just below our conscious awareness. Energetic interactions likely contribute to the “magnetic” attractions or repulsions that occur between individuals, and also affect social exchanges and relationships. Moreover, it appears that the heart’s field plays an important role in communicating physiological, psychological, and social information between individuals.

Experiments conducted at the Institute of HeartMath have found remarkable evidence that the heart’s electromagnetic field can transmit information between people. We have been able to measure an exchange of heart energy between individuals up to 5 feet apart. We have also found that one person’s brain waves can actually synchronize to another person’s heart. Furthermore, when an individual is generating a coherent heart rhythm, synchronization between that person’s brain waves and another person’s heartbeat is more likely to occur. These findings have intriguing implications, suggesting that individuals in a psychophysiologically coherent state become more aware of the information encoded in the heart fields of those around them.

The results of these experiments have led us to infer that the nervous system acts as an “antenna,” which is tuned to and responds to the electromagnetic fields produced by the hearts of other individuals. We believe this capacity for exchange of energetic information is an innate ability that heightens awareness and mediates important aspects of true empathy and sensitivity to others Furthermore, we have observed that this energetic communication ability can be intentionally enhanced, producing a much deeper level of nonverbal communication, understanding, and connection between people. There is also intriguing evidence that heart field interactions can occur between people and animals.

In short, energetic communication via the heart field facilitates development of an expanded consciousness in relation to our social world.

The overwhelming majority of communication is non-verbal. It has a lot to do with the heart (as described above), the subconscious mind, and other phenomena foreign to physical perception. Intonations and body language, which are direct manifestations of your internal state, come into play as well. If your internal state is that of love, it will permeate all aspects of communication/interaction with others.

The love aura optimizes and harmonizes all forms of communication and interaction. So when people sense this harmonic field, they feel a “good vibe,” and are more likely to be friendly and at ease. But when you’re operating in fear, your heart’s field will be disharmonious, which people will feel as a “bad vibe,” and close-off or react negatively.

As you can imagine, the love aura ameliorates everything from friendly greetings to sexually-flavored interactions. People are naturally drawn to positive, love-based people. You don’t need egotistical facades like “game.” You don’t need pickup lines. Pickup lines are like relying on Google Translate to write a love letter, it just won’t come out right and will sound excruciatingly awkward. There’s no shortcut; you need to learn the language to make it work. (And the language in this case is love.) All you need is to have love for yourself and others (or BE love to yourself and others), and the rest falls into place.

The love aura is a multi-dimensional smile. An intrinsic bliss. A deep-seated, genuine confidence. An unconditional love for one’s self and others. The love aura allows you to be the master of your reality. It’s a positive, powerful, expansive vibe, and that’s what makes it so attractive.

When you operate in love, you let go of fear. Fear only exists in the absence of love (or ignorance to love). Fear is what dis-harmonizes us. Fear is what blocks us off to possibility. Fear is the self-imposed limitations. When fear is released, limitations are shattered and your entire being harmonizes as it should.

How to cultivate your love aura:

1. Show love. Be grateful. Show appreciation. Be positive. Smile. Spread love. BE love.

2. Let go of fear. This comes naturally the more you embrace the paradigm of love. Just be aware of fear when it arises (in any form), and let go.

3. Embark on the inner journey. Get to know yourself. Explore the unseen. Embrace the stillness when your mind is calm. Open yourself up to infinite possibility.

4. Smile, laugh a lot, and have fun.

There’s a certain depth in people’s eyes when they operate in love. That divine sparkle. You can see this in your own eyes if you look directly in a mirror and smile.

There’s a brilliant radiance that comes along with the love aura as well. Your skin, face, and persona become beaming beacons of pure love. It’s a beautiful thing.

And then, of course, there’s that irresistibly alluring aura. People just like being around you, and because of this it greatly benefits both friendly and potentially intimate interactions.

The love aura makes you more attractive on every level. It’s a gorgeous exemplification of a love-based, synchronized being.

Cultivate your love aura. Experience the magic of life.

Stay feelin’ good, feelin’ great.

-Stevie P!