The health and fitness industries have been made out to be wayyyyy more complicated than they need to be.

“To earn a fortune in the diet and exercise industries, there is a dictum: complicate to profit” -Tim Ferriss

I’ve devoted literally thousands of hours studying and applying health and fitness information over the last 6 years. I’m ridiculously passionate about both health and fitness. And I would have a career in either one of these, but there’s just this one thing? When you sort through all of the bullshit, it’s all really, really simple. Almost too simple, but it’s been made complicated.


Want to be healthier in every aspect? Eat real food —> (“If man made it, don’t eat it.” -Jack LaLanne)

Want to lose body fat? Eat a little less real food.

Want to gain muscle? Eat more real food and lift weights.

Want to lose fat and still be muscular? Eat real food and lift weights.

Want to increase your endurance? Run.

Want to get stronger? Lift heavier weights than you did last week.

It’s really as simple as that.

And want all of these to be lasting, lifelong changes? DO IT CONSISTENTLY AND KEEP IMPROVING.

That’s pretty much all you need to know. That final 5% consists of minutiae, very, very goal-specific things (ex/ rehabbing after a knee injury), or extreme cases (and extreme cases are usually unnatural, if you think about it). For example, a professional bodybuilder is going to have to use more complicated techniques to get down to 3% bodyfat while carrying around 300lbs of muscle. This is an extreme case.

The problems people have with reaching their goals stem from 2 things.

Paralysis by analysis- People will sit on the internet and read every so-called expert’s opinion on every subject. This will leave you confused. And you will just search for more answers instead of actually taking action.

Instant gratification mentality, resulting in lack of consistency- People think everything is instantaneous. And instead of consistently doing something (as described above), they want instant gratification. It didn’t take you 4 weeks to get fat, so it’s not going to take 4 weeks to get a 6-pack. Work at something consistently, track your progress, and you’ll notice subtle changes indicating that you’re moving in the right direction. Consistency with any program is 1,000 times better than inconsistency with the “perfect” program. Life is a journey, not a destination. Learn to love the process of self-improvement. Would you start playing a video game at the final boss? It’s all about the journey. Stay consistent and enjoy it.

And with the advice given above, use common sense. Don’t go outside and start eating rocks (they’re natural right?). Use proper form when lifting weights (It’s all natural movement patterns anyway. But most people are just so imbalanced physically due to poor lifestyle choices). Don’t go to the gym for the first time and try to yank 500lbs off the ground. Use common sense. Get familiar with your intuition, ya dig?

Stay thirsty my friends.

-Stevie P